
Donosimo popis svih tema koje su bile zadane na eseju iz Engleskog od kada se provodi državna matura

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Ispit državne mature iz Engleskog jezika sastoji se od tri ispitne cjeline, a jedna od njih je pisanje. Otkada se provodi državna matura oblik ove ispitne cjeline na višoj razini ostao je nepromijenjen – pristupnici dobivaju određenu temu, a zatim pišu esej veličine od 200 do 250 riječi, pritom davajući argumente protiv i na kraju iznose vlastiti zaključak. Na osnovnoj razini nema eseja, pristupnik treba oblikovati kratak do srednje dug pisani tekst duljine od 70 do 100 riječi odgovarajući na verbalni predložak. Mi smo odlučili izdvojiti sva esejska pitanja koja su se pojavila na višoj razini ovog predmeta od prve probne provedbe mature 2008./2009. godine.

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Iako u rijetkim slučajevima učenicima predstavlja problem, za esej na maturi iz Engleskog jezika ipak je potrebna priprema. Prema katalogu državne mature, pristupniku se za uspješno polaganje ovog dijela ispita savjetuje da pozorno pročita upute za zadatak, razmisli o zadanoj temi i pritom zabilježi neke ideje. Ideje je potom potrebno organizirati i napisati koncept zadatka, najbolje u natuknicama. Potom se savjetuje pisanje cjelovitoga teksta zadatka te čitanje teksta i provjera je li zadatak u potpunosti obavljen. Na posljetku svakako ponovno pročitajte tekst i provjerite jesu li zadovoljeni ostali kriteriji prema ljestvici za ocjenjivanje.

Vještinu pisanja moguće je uvježbati, a osim što ćete usput naučiti jezik, pisanje eseja na engleskom može vam biti od velike koristi na državnoj maturi iz tog predmeta. Kako bismo vam olakšali, izdvojili smo sva esejska pitanja koja su se pojavljivala na maturi iz Engleskom otkada se provodi, a koja vam izvrsno mogu poslužiti uvježbavanje vještine pisanja.

Školska godina 2022./2023.

Ljetni rok – ‘Some say that one hundred years ago people lived a healthier life. Others say that the quality of life has never been better.’

Jesenski rok – ‘Some people say that environmental damage is the price we pay for human progress. Others say human progress is possible without harming the environment.’

Školska godina 2021./2022.

Ljetni rok – ‘Some people think that having a university degree is essential for a successful career. Others disagree.’

Jesenski rok – ‘Some people say that Internet influencers could affect young people in a negative way. Others claim what they do is harmless fun.’

Školska godina 2020./2021.

Ljetni rok – ‘Some people say that social media make us feel better about ourselves. Others think that they cause a lot of stress.’

Jesenski rok – ‘Some people say that testing in school should be limited to final exams. Others say tests should be given as often as possible.’

Školska godina 2019./2020.

Ljetni rok – ‘Some think computer technology offers many new solutions for schools. Others think it just creates new problems.’

Jesenski rok – ‘Some people say that shopping online is far more practical than shopping in stores. ‘

Školska godina 2018./2019.

Ljetni rok – ‘Some people prefer watching films in the cinema. Others prefer watching them at home.’

Jesenski rok – ‘Some people say junk food should be banned from schools. Others say what you eat is a matter of personal choice.

Školska godina 2017./2018.

Ljetni rok – ‘Some people say that advertising has a negative influence on our lifestyle. Others say advertising is a useful service.’

Jesenski rok – ‘All people should be paid a regular monthly income whether employed or unemployed.’

Školska godina 2016./2017.

Izdvojeni članak

[Matura ’18] Viša razina Engleskog piše se 3 sata: Lani uvedena promjena koja se maturantima svidjela, a evo što im je bilo najteže

Ljetni rok – ‘Students and teachers should be friends on social networks.’

Jesenski rok – ‘Some people think that spending lengthy periods away from home helps young people develop. Others disagree.’

Školska godina 2015./2016.

Ljetni rok – ‘Some people say that you can learn more about the world by travelling than by studying
at school.’

Jesenski rok – ‘Some people say that the more we use our smartphones the less we use our brains.
Discuss arguments for and against this view and give your own opinion.’

Školska godina 2014./2015.

Ljetni rok – ‘Some people say that watching a movie based on a book is far more exciting than reading the book. Others disagree.’

Jesenski rok – ‘Some people say that university students should take a job while studying. Others disagree.’

Školska godina 2013./2014.

Izdvojeni članak

[Matura ’18] Objavljen popis svih lektira za esej iz Hrvatskog jezika na državnoj maturi

Ljetni rok – ‘Some people say that social media like Facebook are replacing proper social life. Others say they enrich social communication.’

Jesenski rok – ‘For some people success means money and status. For others it means personal happiness.’

Školska godina 2012./2013.

Ljetni rok – ‘Some people say that a parent’s responsibility for his/her child ends when the child reaches the age of eighteen. Others say that this responsibility never ends.’

Jesenski rok – ‘Young drivers are a threat to road safety.’

Školska godina 2011./2012.

Ljetni rok – ‘Some people say that 18-year-olds are too young to vote. Others disagree.’

Jesenski rok – ‘Some people say that violent video games stimulate aggression in young people. Others claim that they are harmless fun.’

Zimski rok – ‘Some people prefer to work in a group. Others prefer to work alone.’

Školska godina 2010./2011.

Izdvojeni članak

Sva djela koja su zadana za esej iz Hrvatskog na dosadašnjim državnim maturama

Ljetni rok – ‘Some people say that there should be limits to what students can wear at school. Others say there should not.’

Jesenski rok – ‘Some people say that tourism is beneficial to a country. Others say that it does
more harm than good.’

Zimski rok – ‘Some people say that it is important to explore space. Others say it is a waste of
time and money.’

Školska godina 2009./2010.

Ljetni rok – ‘Some people say that international sports events bring countries closer. Others say they cause bad feelings between countries.’

Jesenski rok – ‘Some say it would be better if there was only one language in the world. Others disagree.’

Zimski rok – ‘Some people say that globalization increases communication between cultures. Others say that it threatens local cultures.’

Školska godina 2008./2009. (probna matura)

‘Some people say that eating meat is wrong. Others say it is natural.’

Sve najnovije informacije o državnoj maturi pratite na našoj Facebook stranici Maturanti 2019. i u grupi Državna matura. Isto tako, možete nas pratiti i na našem Instagram profilu @drzavna.matura. Više tekstova o maturi 2019. čitajte u tekstovima na ovoj poveznici, a vaš kalkulator bodova za maturu isprobajte ovdje.

Zadatke s prošle državne mature riješite u našem sustavu za učenje